Functionalities of Team2Go, Your Human Resources Management Software Organizational

estructura organigrama empresaStructure and Job Map
busqueda de talentoRecruitment and Selection
Introduction Plan
objetivos de empresasManagement byObjectives
evaluacion de competenciasCompetence Evaluation
reconocimiento de valorPerformance Evaluation
software para talento emrpesarialTalent Identification
encuesta de clima laboralWork Climate Surveys
encuestas en empresasOther surveys
formacion en empresas Training Management
desarrollo profesional en empresasDevelopment Plan Management
politica de retribuciones en empresasCompensation Policy
 Complaints Channel

 Employee Portal (Home)

Management for absences, leave and vacations
 Management of advance pay 
Personal data and CV updates
 Allocation and control of work hours 
Expense sheets and settlements 
Corporate communication 
Work calendar and schedules 
Suggestion box 
Centralized document repository 
Welcome plan 
Presence control 

Organizational structure 

Organizational chart definition 
 Collectives and professional levels
 Job map Job descriptions 
Job descriptions 
Competence profile associated with the position 

Recruitment and selection 

Management of job offers 
Management of internal promotion processes
 Inbound recruitment 
“Blind” publications 
Structured CV database  
Management and consultation of CVs and candidates 
Analysis and evaluation of video interviews 
Definition and management of selection tests 
Degree of adequacy of profiles 
Selection plans 

Talent management 

Talent directory 
Multi-format competencies evaluation 
Evaluation of Objectives Achieved 
Talent identification 
Definition and follow-up of Development Plans 
Work climate and commitment surveys 
Surveys and multipurpose questionnaires 

Training management 

Surveys for Detection of Training Needs 
Directory for Training Needs 
Training Plan Design 
Training Budget Management
 Training History Tracking
 Training Calendar and Call Management 
Generation of Management Documentation 
Training Bonus with FUNDAE 
Maximum Contribution Bases 

Compensation and Benefits 

Company Salary Structure 
Internal Equality Studies
 External Competitiveness Studies 
Collective Agreements and Salary Bands 
Remuneration Simulator 

Complaints Channel

Ease for Internal Management
 Immediate Notification of the complaint.
Data security and protection.
Guarantee of confidentiality
 Complete integration

 Request a DEMO with an HR expert 

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